Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)
An interesting phrase, and one that holds a magnitude of prospects for us as individuals. Thoughts, ideas, intuitions,
opinions and beliefs;these are the things that determine;who we are and how our relationship with the world will unfold...
They help form our moral and ethical epi- centers, impacting not only the way we veiw the world but also how the world views
us. They are in a way the building blocks of our own immortality.
For some of us, like myself, the idea, the knowledge, and the perspectives is the ultimate adventure.A point I like to
stress whenever possible. I must say this has afforded me some pretty strange looks over the coarse of the years, as if this
point of view is somehow less or lacking in the unfolding of the cosmos....
I say, get real, the beginning, middle and end of all things is thought. True immortality is having those ideas, and thoughts
expressed from generation to generation because of their very essence. If that is not cosmic I don't know what is.
We are a global community, more so today than at any other time in history. The decisions we make as individuals, as families,
as communities, as countries, as a society, and as a planet,impacts all of our citizens. We may not understand how or even
believe that the minor occurances of our daily lives have any impact at all...but they do...from one person to the next, to
the next and so on cascading from point to point. How do we know where our thoughts or actions end up by the end of the day.